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ICSC Sport 2014

ICSC Sport (19-20-2014)

It is really great time for our school all of part of International Christian School of Cambodia (ICSC School) we have enjoy together to play soccer at Real Soccer Sport. It is third time that we’re enjoyed to playing together.


ICSC PreyKey


On Wednesday 19 October, 2014 our school have free time had to enjoying to play soccer at Real Soccer Sport. It is so happy for us that we can to play together with students and teacher. Although we are not the same but we can join together at one place that we had to plan on it. With our happiness by God grace we can smile, we can love each other with our one trust and believe in or we can say that in Jesus’s Christ we’re one family.
Action when we’re playing

We are not professional player but we are real player

There is a good time for make sport fellowship for us on this time because we have rejoice when we play and it is not only player and visitor the same because we love and rejoice together.

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